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5 Ways to Use StartMeeting to Boost K-12 Learning

Improve Student Learning with Online Communication Tools like Video Calling, Screen Sharing and Drawing Tools

Tablets, smartphones and computers are integral with today’s younger generation of students. Students of all ages use devices to communicate and learn about the world around us.

As school curriculums become more dependent on the internet, demand for improved ways of communication is steadily growing. People want better ways to use technology to improve how they keep in contact with one another and how they use their tools to enhance their learning experience.

It’s more important than ever to help students adopt better online practices for using our technology to better enhance their learning experience.

We’ve come up with a few ways to use StartMeeting and other online communication tools to boost student success.

1. Host online events

People love to be online. It’s hard to deny it., a video streaming service that features online gamers, is estimated to be a multi-billion-dollar business—that means Twitch is not going anywhere anytime soon. What’s more, it’s estimated that regular users of spend an average of 95 minutes a day on the platform.

When teachers and students host regularly scheduled online events for classmates to attend, it increases the likelihood that these students will build positive online learning habits.

Based on these habits, we can encourage students to instead spend their time online with content focused on education.

Instead of encouraging students to avoid getting on the internet, students should be encouraged to join online events that both educate and entertain.

2. Have students connect with other classmates online

One of the biggest reasons to use an online communication platform is to embed a social aspect to learning.

When learning becomes a communal activity, it encourages others in that community to value education. Building these core values in your students influences their likelihood of finding success in school.

Alone, a student may struggle with finding solutions to problems commonly overlooked. With video calling and services provided by StartMeeting, students can solve problems together with more readily available information.

3. Encourage students to bring learning home

When K-12 students have tools like StartMeeting, they’re more likely to take their lessons home with them and engage with learning material after school. Like we mentioned in an earlier section, building these at-home learning habits encourages students to put greater value in education.

Students can use video calling, screen sharing and drawing tools to engage with tutors and other experts to help with homework. With access to classroom lesson materials at home, students have the opportunity to engage more deeply with the course material.

4. Student-led learning

Students are busy people. Between practicing, playing the piano, and joining debate club, a student can often find themselves short on how much time they can dedicate to studying.

StartMeeting lets you take learning with you wherever you go. Features like recording and playback give students access to lectures whenever they want. Students have the freedom to replay snippets and bite-sized sections of a lecture to get a better understanding of the course material.

What’s more, the mobile app lets students take StartMeeting on commutes and field trips.

5. Miss class less often

Student health is a common concern among many schools. Missing one or two days of school is to be expected throughout the year. However, students that may require extended leave can suffer the greatest, and may be held back a grade.

Health shouldn’t hinder a student’s learning experience. With StartMeeting, students can join classes using video calling while remaining an active participant using the integrated chat. Students will no longer feel have to left out when their peers progress grade levels. Students using StartMeeting can join their friends easily.

StartMeeting makes it easier for anyone to get access to a quality education from anywhere. Study from home, at the library or anywhere an internet connection is available.

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