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How to Negotiate a Bigger Paycheck

How to Negotiate a Bigger Paycheck

Have you worked at your current job for more than a year and want to earn more pay? In this article, you’ll learn how to secure a bigger paycheck in two ways: with your current employer through a promotion or through negotiations with another employer.

Here are the recommended steps you’ll need to take and the skills you’ll need to learn if you want to negotiate for a bigger paycheck and earn more money.

Soft Skills Can Set You Apart

Soft skills are non-technical skills that help you get your work done or communicate more effectively. Anyone can learn these soft skills with a little time, effort, and determination.

Some valuable soft skills include:

  • Time management
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Adaptability
  • Creativity
  • Negotiation
  • Communication

Online courses that teach soft skills help users adopt valuable job-related skills, learn a new mindset, and react to situations in the workplace with a professional manner. With extra training from, you can become a better communicator and a stronger employee.

Earning a Promotion

It’s not enough to hope and wait for your boss to give out a promotion. Instead, proactively seek out a promotion by communicating your goals with your boss.

There are five steps to earning a promotion with your current employer.

  1. Communicate your goals
  2. Make your boss’s job easier
  3. Become an invaluable team member
  4. Grow your skills
  5. Track Your Achievements

The first step to securing a bigger paycheck is communicating your goals with your boss. With you and your boss on the same page, you’ll have a road map for earning that promotion.

Next, you’ll likely want to make your boss’s job easier by doing more than what your position entails. After finishing work you’ve been tasked with, don’t be afraid to ask for more challenging projects and seek out opportunities to prove your skills.

In addition to helping your boss, you’ll consequently become an invaluable team member to your colleagues. With more responsibilities, you’ll likely be the go-to person your boss and team members will rely on when faced with work-related hurdles.

After you’ve established rapport with your boss and colleagues, you’ll want to continue growing your skill set. Look for online courses and webinars to further advance your skills and grow in your field.

We recommend Business Skills Training courses from to expand your professional skill set. These business-specific courses teach users about project management, sales, and other managerial soft skills.

Above all, keep track of the work you do and the success you help the company achieve. This information will be evidence of your hard work and will help you in negotiating a higher paycheck.

Negotiating a Higher Paycheck as a New Hire

Entering a company as a new hire is an exciting prospect that can lead to earning a higher salary. If you want to land the salary you want, you’ll need to find out what others are paid for the same position and negotiate your pay with the hiring manager.

Start your research by investigating the salaries of comparable professionals. You can use websites like Payscale or Glassdoor to find industry trends in salaries and help you decide where you should start with your own salary negotiations.

With a starting salary number, you’re ready to negotiate your pay with the hiring manager. You’ll likely get the opportunity to present an acceptable salary either before the interview starts or during the interview process. Be sure to provide an acceptable range and to reference the salary average you discovered in your research.

While negotiating your salary may seem daunting, it can be easy with the right approach. On, you’ll find in-depth courses that help you learn the skills you need to secure a bigger paycheck in the long run. Both their soft skills training and business skills courses offer advice on negotiation and coinciding soft skills.

Secure a Bigger Paycheck and Make Smart Career Moves with Us

To explore the finer points of negotiating a raise or nailing the next interview, see our article database. Our advice and tips can help you get the dream job or plan for a career move.

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