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How to Use Google Trends in Your Marketing Strategy

Google Trends is a powerful tool that shows the most popular keywords that people search for on Google’s search engine. This tool is important for helping your business create an organic marketing campaign and compete for the top positions on the search engine results pages (SERPs).

If you want to drive more traffic to your website and attract customers organically using digital marketing, you’ll find our tips incredibly helpful.

In this article, we explore how you can use google trends to guide your marketing strategy and improve your digital marketing content.

Generate New Keyword Ideas

When you search a keyword in Google Trends, it shows you related queries and topics to the keyword you searched.

Google Trends has a powerful toolkit that can provide your marketing team with an array of resources that can help you market better.

For example, the “Rising” tab showcases keywords related to your search that are trending now. This information can be used to make future decisions on what types of content you’d like to have on your website and where you might want to put your marketing efforts.

Once you know what keywords are related to your search, you can put the newly discovered keywords back into Google Trends to discover even more ancillary keywords. This tool is key for helping you cover the broad spectrum of searches related to your service or product.

Generate New Or Trending Content

One of the best uses of Google Trends is to help improve your website content’s SEO.

Many marketers make the mistake of using Google’s Keyword Planning without using Google Trends. While Keyword Planner is a good research tool indicating the volume or search queries, Google Trends showcases the keyword’s history, letting marketers know whether the keyword is steadily increasing in volume or dying out.

You can use this information to help you generate new ideas for content such as blog posts and landing pages. If the keywords you target show a growing trend, those keywords are more than likely the keywords you want to focus your efforts on.

Take Advantage of Seasonality

If you run a season-dependent business, you’re already well aware of the ups and downs that come with seasonal marketing.

Likewise, if you’re starting a new business you can use Google Trends to predict how you’ll likely want to market throughout the year.

Seasonality can work to your advantage if you know what to expect in the upcoming months and how to market your business to match those growing seasonal trends.

Look For What’s Trending Now

Towards the bottom of the Google Trends landing page, the tool showcases keywords that have been trending for the past 24 hours.

You can use current trends to your advantage by creating content focused on what’s currently trending–but you need to move fast as the window of opportunity for earning traffic from these keywords is very small.

Identify Your Market

Queries on Google Trends can be narrowed down from country, city, subregion and broader metropolitan area (click on the triangle next to subregion to see these other options).

You can use this information to identify various locations your product or service is needed or where demand for your product or service is high.

Use this information to influence your PPC campaigns – instead of targeting the entire United States, maybe only people in Vermont buy your product. If that’s the case, you’ll likely want to focus your attention on targeting Vermont instead. 

Likewise, if your product or service is used locally, use that data to enhance your local SEO efforts by creating landing pages and copy that speaks directly to your local market. 

Google Trends is a powerful tool to use when planning your marketing strategy. Trends gives insight into the most popular keywords and queries at any given time. This tool is an amazing companion for any marketer looking to leverage SEO to improve their online marketing.

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