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Networking Tips for Business Employees

Networking is an excellent practice for professional and business growth. 

Not only can you generate leads through networking, but you can find trustworthy people that open the doors to new opportunities down the road.

Here are a few tips for business employees to improve their networking skills and build professional relationships.

Where to Network

There are numerous methods for business networking. That said, be sure to practice social distancing when in-person networking. 

Internet networking is easy, especially on platforms like LinkedIn. LinkedIn lets you find professionals in the same industry and connect with them. After meeting a few professionals through their social media platform, Linkedin will automatically find more people you’ll likely connect with.

Once you add them to your network, be sure to send a message and start a conversation. Even though many groups are online, the rules of building relationships still apply.

Meetup is a tool to find local groups that share your interests. Almost every city has a chamber of commerce that hosts networking events or has a database of groups based on the industry. Contact your city’s chamber of commerce to see what events they’re holding. 

Additional resources you can use to connect:

Lunchmeet App — Connects you with individual professionals over lunch.

Quora — You can find communities on this forum platform.

Facebook — There are Facebook groups for all industries and professions.

Eventbrite — Online conferences and conventions.

Tips on How to Start a Conversation

When speaking to another professional in your field, start with what you have in common professionally. 

Working with other like-minded business-women and businessmen help you further your understanding of a given field, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and get to know your professional colleagues.

As you reach out, think of what you can offer your colleagues. Is there an opportunity at your job that you can offer someone with the skillset you’re looking for? Are there seminars or promotions that someone in your network would benefit from? 

If you see career or life updates on someone’s profile, this is an excellent opportunity to congratulate or ask them about the update. Congratulate them if there’s something to celebrate as well.

On the other side of it, you can encourage others to start conversations by being active on your own page. Comment or share posts relevant to you and don’t forget to include your own life events. Part of networking is sharing your life, and people generally want to feel like they have an insider view of it. 

Explore Our Resource Center for Networking Advice and More

Networking offers many career benefits, so be open in your communication and welcoming in your approach. Being friendly and using good manners are sure ways to connect with people. 

For more tips on enhancing your career, look to our resource center for more articles like this.

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