FreeConferenceCall Blog

Oh, the Weather Outside Is Frightful. Work From Home With

It’s January. The bulk of the country has some long months of cold ahead, and with no twinkly holiday lights to soften the effect.

Young woman working from home with coffee, blanket and tablet

At, we don’t blame you for wanting to stay under that cozy comforter instead of getting ready for work. We don’t judge if you want to wear pajamas all day — even if those pajamas have feet, and you’re a grown adult. (Ok, we might a judge a little.) And we certainly don’t mind if you decide to forego the office for the snuggly fabulousness of your couch.

Of course, your boss might. But guess what — we’re still behind you and your dream of staying out of the cold, 100 percent. With your account, you can easily work from home. Hold virtual meetings with free audio, video and screen sharing to connect with your colleagues. Record audiovisual presentations and share. Use remote desktop to take control of a colleague’s computer.

Need help convincing the boss? Tell her this: Studies show that for jobs that can be performed from home, people tend to be more productive when working from home. A work-from-home policy also helps save on office expenses, raises morale, improves retention and actually increases collaboration. And remote workers take fewer sick days and less vacation time. That means more hours working per year.

work from home life freemoji

So don’t worry about the ice on your windshield. Put on the coffee and put your feet up. And stay inside this winter, courtesy of

Ahhhh…work from home life. Yes, there’s a Freemoji® for that, now available in chat using the desktop application.

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